Wednesday, April 3, 2024

UPDATE TO: New Official Prediction For Los Angeles, San Francisco, California!!! NOW Could Be Big As 7.5 Due To Recent Taiwan Shaker!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

UPDATE TO: New Official Prediction For Los Angeles, San Francisco, California!!! NOW Could Be Big As 7.5 Due To Recent Taiwan Shaker!!!


April 3, 2024, To: CEPEC/NEPEC
       Just writing a quick update regarding recent "Official Prediction By Letter" For Los Angeles, San Francisco, and California.   7.5 Richters Earthquake struck Taiwan yesterday and may indicate larger movement (s) of the Pacific Tectonic Plate with Guadalajara, Mexico, and Central America directly across the Pacific, while Arica, Chile, and Argentina directly across the GLOBE from Taiwan. . . and of course writing today to guess Los Angeles, San Francisco, and California could get some similar movement of the Pacific Tectonic Plate according to my own personal "Precision Tectonic Plate Theory" and actual line result of landfall of Cyclone Megan at Gulf of Carpenteria next intersects Fairbanks, Alaska. MUST Now up the highest value for all alerts related to this Tectonic Plate Movement to as big as 7.4/7.5 on the Richter Scale.
       Although Japan situated sort of in between there, although I'm talking about two different theories with Japan simply next in line along that Tectonic Plate Boundary to the north of Taiwan, but shaky place we'll all agree!!!  Imaginary line also travels to Caribbean Islands and intesects Barbuda, there.  Other theory basically movement of the Pacific and i have found generally disregards those straight lines such as I've attached to this E-Mail.
       Eclipse Monday happens to also be Exact Moment of the New Moon with my "Window" running 24 hours before, and 24 hours after, could also become a factor immediately in some shaking, but I'd like to assert this alert into early May 2024, you understand.  Very likely there's more Major Earthquakes yet to come along with this Tectonic Plate Movement Event!!
       Thank-You Again!!!  Respectfully, Les Brown, a/k/a The EQ Guy