Monday, November 6, 2023

E-Mail To CEPEC/NEPEC With Big New Alerts For Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Andreas Fault, And Southern California!!!

November 6, 2023

Fm: Les Brown, EQ Guy
       Upon more study following landfall of Hurricane Otis at Southen Mexico, I've decided San Andreas Fault could now also be affected by POSSIBLE movement along the San Andreas Fault.  Not sure if I will work up the Encyclopedic Version of what I'm telling you all tonight, but I will paste the portion from todays edition of my EQ Blog:

 At press time I've written myself a note to mention all the movement along the path of potential Seismic Energy the result of landffall of Hurricane Otis does infact cross rather near the San Andreas Fault, but because it did not intersect with it in the immediate moments when I first checked, there has up to this point not been any mention of it!  NOW I'm mentioning it and may need a few additional days to work up a big alert but for now be aware Hurricane Otis was a big hurricane and made landffall not too far south of Southern California and Los Angeles!!!  COULD mean they could get some of the shaking!  North of Juneau Alaska, albeit Full Moon related, was on Day 3, and now looking at getting lot of shaking at Nepal. . . contiue to watch Leon, Mexico and Mexico City, Utah, and Seattle, but add the Los Angeles Region of San Andreas Fault and by time I get all this written up San Francisco might fit in there, too!!!

EQ Guy

       I appologize for my crude high school english class format, but thought it seems possible enough to me, that I'd like the councils to at least be aware of what may well be going on in California as far as earthquakes are concerned!!
       Thank-You Again, Guys!!!!!
Les Brown,
Actor, Writer, Dee-Jay, EQ Guy