Monday, August 30, 2021

Official Prediction For Mt. St. Helens, And Mount Hood To See Volcanic Activity Sept., Oct. 2021

As by now everybody knows I’m famous for writing about the fact that earthquakes seem to follow landfall of big windstorms and today I’m writing about the landfall of Hurricane Ida at Louisiana with winds 150 and gusts 185mph on August 29, 2021

Immediately following that landfall was when I compared the path of landfall or two paths actually since Ida turned bout an hour after the original first landfall at Fort Fourchon, Louisiana, however let me begin today with the first landfall where Ida was heading due Northwest.

Tracking that first line with globe and your basic straight-line tool looks like potential seismic energy will be heading directly towards the point where Columbia River enters Pacific Ocean and while more towards south of the Columbia, I still feel Mt. St. Helens has been known to erupt in just the immediate days after I discovered it there along my now famous line!  I believe my most famous correlation relating to Mt. St. Helens happened in September/October 2004 when first Hurricane Frances made landfall at West Palm Beach, Florida on September 2, 2004, next Hurricane Ivan made landfall on September 16, 2004 at Gulf Shores, Alabama, and finally Hurricane Jeanne made landfall near Port Saint Lucie, Florida on September 25, 2004.  THEN, Mt. St. Helens very famous eruption on October 1, 2004.  Must add this region could also be considered shaky overall and Major Earthquakes could strike in this vicinity of Washington, Oregon, Utah, and Idaho, too!!!

Today it kind of looks like all that Mt. St. Helens action happening again, here, right now with this line headed directly in that direction!  I’ve also had at best correlations with Mt. Hood, and Mt. Rainier in the past from big windstorms that traveled across the Pacific from windstorms in the South China Sea, too!

Outside the jurisdiction of The National Council, you might like to know that same line, while bearing northwest upon those primary Washington, and Oregon locations, this line also leaves in it’s wake Jamaica, and Haiti where more shaking could be a little more than colloquial in coming days and weeks of September and October 2021.

With regards to the fact that Hurricane Ida turned more northerly the line strikes Venezuela, Myanmar, Burma, China, Pakistan, and Burma although that shaky tectonic plate boundary to the far north there could serve to move the Indio/Australian Tectonic Plate moreso than strike any of those places. . . But BIG Earthquake just the same wherever!!!!!  And here we also have more or less exact path which was the result of Hurricane Katrina Landfall in 2005 in which Islamabad happened!!!  Are we looking at a repeat, there?

Due to lot of other big windstorms in recent weeks I must add smaller alerts for Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Vermont the result of recent landfall at Long Island, New York of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Henri.  Also a line from Wisconsin Tornadoes which could indicate next notable Michigan Earthquake and I have elsewhere posted the line between Grand Haven, and a town called Durand, Michigan with about 4 for the Magnitude and named early September the likely time frame. . .although Day 60 will come September 26, 2021 on that alert.

Most notably writing to the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council to tell you all there to watch the Mount Saint Helens Region where hikers have been known to populate and occasionally travel more than a day or days and could always need to heed any warnings, you know. 

Thank-You Again!  Herein Submitted August 30, 2021 By Les Brown, The EQ Guy

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